
    Atal Tinkering Lab

    In ATAL LAB, students were practiced with coding to assemble Robotics model like ‘Fire fighting Robo , Anti sleeping alarm, Moisture Control Robo in the Field and Robotic bag navigator’. Trainer Mr Senthil kumar from learning link foundation gave training to the students of our vidyalaya on every Friday of the week.
    Two students Vishnuvarthan and Lithees kumar of Class 8 participated in Innovation Ideas for Entrepreneurship conducted at PS Chidambara Nadar school by Indusind Bank. They bagged 1st position and were awarded trophy and Lunch box kit for their innovation called “ Robotic Bag Navigator ”.
    Shell NxPLORER NITI Ayog collaboration conducted Teacher professional training at “Ramco Vidyalaya”. Mrs R Jothilakshmi PGT Physics underwent one day training.
    In turn NxPLORER training was conducted on 18th November2003 to class 7 students under the topic
    “Ideas for achieving sustainable global goals”.The representative Mr Vighneshwaran from Learning link foundation and Mrs Jothilakshmi PGT Physics helped the children to think and develop ideas to make models. All the students were able to make model of wind mill and awarded certificates.

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